The Fargo Fantastic Film Festival is the film festival that celebrates film, video and other media in science fiction, fantasy, horror, adventure, thrillers and all other fun genres! It exists to showcase the ambitious and creative independent filmmaker. To make a good genre film takes real creativity, craftsmanship and yes, artistic merit. We show professional and amateur productions as both can learn from the other.
Any lengths, formats and styles accepted! Please see the entry form for entry guidelines!
In the past the film festival was a part of the area's largest Science Fiction, Fantasy and Popular Culture conventions named ValleyCon. Over the course of twelve years, the event has grown and evolved to a point where it needed to be broken away from the host convention and made an event of its own. The Fargo Fantastic Film Festival 13 was held at the Fargo Theater in historic downtown Fargo. This was the kick-off year as a separate event and was the cornerstone for fantastic future growth of the festival!
A film festival devoted to films FOR and BY kids debuted March 1st at the Fargo Public Library and March 2nd at the Fargo Theatre in 2019!
The F-M KIDS Fantastic Film Festival highlights films that are either made BY kids or made FOR kids (with age appropriate content) and that embrace all the “fun” genres: sci-fi, fantasy, action, adventure.. even horror! The KIDS FFF aims to help youth become critical media users as well as gain a voice thru media and also learn about filmmaking and media literacy.
The FM KIDS FFF will be held as part of the Fargo Fantastic Film Festival!